Estonian government imposed the restrictions to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

On 12 November 2020 the Estonian government imposed new restrictions on visiting shops, shopping centres, and catering and entertainment establishments, and attending public meetings and events. Catering and entertainment establishments must close their doors to customers at 12 a.m. However, buying take-away food is allowed. The new measures will enter into force on Monday, 16 November 2020.

2 + 2 and 10 + 2 restrictions on movement

The so-called 2 + 2 rule will be re-established in shops and common areas of shopping centres, such as corridors and the atrium. Pursuant to the order, no more than two people may move together and a distance of at least two metres must be kept with others. The restriction does not apply to families moving together and in situations where this cannot be reasonably ensured. The restriction does not apply to employees or places of service, such as pharmacies, banks, beauty salons, shoemakers, etc.

Read more information here.

The Government Communication Unit publishes the order and the explanatory memorandum to the order on the website.